Our Story

How did Launchball start? As someone who played a variety of sports when I was younger such as soccer, baseball, dodgeball, basketball, football, and more, sports were always a part of my life. It was at the park where I would meet new people and have the chance to just have fun and get away from work and school for a while. It was also a great way to stay in shape and allowed me to destress. My plan was to become an engineer which is what I was in college for but after a few setbacks I had to leave. It left me unsure of what I would do next in my life until I was scrolling through social media. I had seen other people who created their own businesses built around a new sport that they had created. It was in those moments when I thought to myself that maybe I could do the same thing, come up with a new sport and make that my own business.
Approximately one year in and here we are. I've received a lot of support from my family and we are getting ready to really kick off this venture. Going from engineering student to business owner is a daunting change but I can't wait to show the world our new sport. So, I thank you for your support and hopefully together we can make history very very soon! I hope this sport will do the same as it did for me, which is meet new people, make lifelong friends, and learn valuable skills for on and off the pitch.


Albert Basilio

Founder and Chief Executive Officer